Nexus Freight Elevator/Documentation

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← Nexus Freight / Car Elevator

Nexus Freight / Car Elevator Documentation

This documentation is to better help you with the product to help you efficiently work with the product and make use of all of it's features properly. Having trouble using a feature? Consult the documentation below.

Need help navigating this manual better? Please use the table of contents to the right of this page.

Getting Started

Before we get started on setting up the elevator, i would like to thank you on choosing us! If you have any questions please ask in our group. If your questions are not answered, please file a ticket here on our Support Site.

How to setup an Elevator?

  1. Rezz out the item "Nexus Freight / Vehicle Elevator".
  2. Position the elevator in the place you would like.
  3. Go into the Elevator's inventory, then open the notecard '_config'.
  4. Go to the ID field and give the elevator an ID. (This will be the unique ID that the elevator will use to communicate with doors on that shaft. )
  5. Enter the Access level.
  6. Enter people on the white list. (Optional)

Poof! The elevator is now ready for you to place doors! Don't stop, you're almost done.

How to setup the Elevator Doors?

  1. Rezz out the item "Nexus Freight / Vehicle Elevator Door".
  2. Position the door in the place you would like.
  3. Go into the Door's inventory, then open the notecard '_config'.
  4. Enter the ID that matches your elevator. This will allow them to communicate with each other.
  5. Enter the floor number that the door is on.

There you have it, the elevator is all set up.

Common Problems

There are many common things that can go wrong with the elevator. For example: Physics errors, items not moving, and other various problems.

My car's front end keeps flying forward! Help!

When your car's front end starts going up, that means you have items holding the back of your vehicle. That means your vehicle is to close to a door, or there is a prim in the shaft.
The easiest fix is to move the door a little bit away from the Elevator and check for prims in the shaft.