GridNet Radio System/Documentation
From Nexus
Getting Started
- New to the system? Follow our Getting Started guide for information on how to get started!
- This guide will help you set up a network successfully if all steps are done properly. It is highly recommended to read that guide before reading this.
- Need help and don't understand the guide? Feel free to get in touch with our support by opening a ticket: Nexus Ticket Support
How To Use This Documentation
- The documentation is built into three parts. Server, Radio, and Web Interface.
- Every feature on here is sorted to help you find what you're looking for.
- If you are unable to find something, please refer to the table of contents on the right side of the page. If you are still unable to find what you're looking for, you can try messaging in our group chat Nexus Roleplay System or file a ticket here: Nexus Ticket Support
GridNet Server
- The GridNet Server is an item that is rezzed in-world. This item is used to keep the network in your name, handle distribution servers, and prevent others from stealing your network name.
- When you create a network, the server will need to remain rezzed. If it is not rezzed, someone will have the ability to steal your network name. The server prevents that until you delete the network.
Configuring The Server
- Rez the "Nexus GridNet Server v1.11". (Remember it has to stay there for as long as you have the network.)
- Touch the server to begin registration & type the desired network name when prompted.
- Once submitting the network name, you'll receive a prompt to open the webpage. This will lead you to the GridNet Dashboard.
- Go to the webpage and enter a new password for your account. (Please note, all networks that you create will appear under this account.)
- Bam, your new network is created. Access the new network by clicking the small blue icon that appears in the upper-right hand corner of the network's box.
What Is The Server For?
- The server is used for large purposes. There are multiple reasons that a network's server needs to be rezzed.
Here are some of the reasons
- The Server acts as an interface to the web dashboard.
- The Server allows you configure items to the network.
- The Server creates distribution servers and manages their load.
- The Server manages the radio network's repeater.
What Is The Network Repeater?
- In the real world, a radio repeater is used to get a radio signal and repeat it over a larger distance.
- For us, the radio repeater is used as a way to verify with the server that there are active and connected devices.
- The repeater plays an important role in keeping the network stable. It keeps everything synced across the radios.
How Do I Know The Repeater Is Working?
- Every hour you will hear morse code giving off the repeater code. This is the repeater re-syncing with the server making sure that all the radios are on the same page.
- If there are no radios connected the repeater will not fire off its repeater code until a new device connects.
How Do I Disable The Repeater Noise?
- The repeater morse code can easily be turned off on the web interface.
Follow These Steps To Disable It
- Navigate to your network dashboard.
- Go to the Settings page.
- Turn the "Enable Repeater" checkmark off.
- Please remember, this does not turn the repeater permanently off, it does not affect performance with the servers. It will just turn off the noise that the repeater makes when it syncs to the server.
Server Updates
- When your server is outdated, it will be clearly visible and will inform you via floating text.
- The server will not stop working just because the server is outdated. __You will not be able to configure anything to the server while in this mode.__
- Worried about losing your network or data? Don't worry, Network data is NOT lost when updating.
How To Update Your Server
- When your server gets outdated. (Visible from the floating text.)
- Touch the server to request an Update USB. (Will be sent directly from our servers.)
- Rez the USB next to the server.
- Touch the USB then Touch the server.
- It will then start updating. (Do Not Touch or Delete Anything! If that is done, you're risking data corruption and a lost network.)
- Once the update is complete, the server will turn itself back on and work just like new!
GridNet Radios
- This section applies to all radio models. All radios function exactly the same except models that are animated.
Configuring Items/Radios
- Configuring an item to work with your network is very simple. If you have an official item we have created, the configuration is quick and simple.
- STOP & READ - There are steps recommended before configuring the radio. You will need to create zones and channels before configuring.
- For more information on setting up the network, please follow the Getting Started guide.
Radio Configuration
- Touch the server you want to configure the radio too.
- Touch the radio to begin configuring.
- Select the zone you would like to configure the radio to when prompted.
- Set the radio next-owner permissions to 'No Transfer'.
- Take the radio back into your inventory when it asks what channel to use.
- You can now freely distribute the radio.
Using The Radios
- Now that you have your radio set up, using the radios is very easy.
- When you first pull up the radio and attach it, you will need to give it a second to load. If it is your first time wearing the radio, it will configure and reset.
What Happens When Attached?
- When the radio is attached to a person, there are a few steps that happen before the radio is usable.
- Here is what happens once a radio is attached.
- If this is your first time attaching the radio, it will clear all the settings and variables from the old owner.
- The radio will then check if you are banned from the network. If you are; the radio will not move any further.
- The radio will then check to see if group access is enabled and determine if you are in the correct group.
- The radio will load all the channels for the zone the radio is configured in and prompt for you to pick one.
- Once you have picked your channel, your radio will then register with the network and show it online. Your radio is now usable!
Radio Operations
- Once operational, the radio will work in a structure of radios. The structure is very important as to who you can talk too.
- This structure is very simple. Transmissions are as followed:
- When you send a message on the global, your message will be transmitted to every radio that is on the radio network. This includes all zones and all channels.
- When you send a message on a zone, your message is sent to all radios configured to the matching zone. If your radio is configured to zone Fire Dept, then your message will go to every radio in that same zone.
- When you send a message on a channel, the message will be sent to every radio in that channel only.
Radio Settings & Dialog
- There are multiple settings that can be changed within the radios. This can be accessed by simply typing __/1 menu__ or touching the radio.
- These settings are as defined.
- Change Chan This will change the channel that the radio is set too. For example, if you are on Tac-1 then you can switch to another channel like Tac-2.
- Settings This will allow you to change some of the settings for the radio in the dialog.
- Verbose This setting will allow you to set how the message is received/transmitted to you.
- rOwner/tOwner Sets the radio to __OwnerSay Messages__ that are received/transmitted.
- rSay/tSay Sets the radio to __Say Messages__ that are received/transmitted.
- rWhisper/tWhisper Sets the radio to __Whisper Messages__ that are received/transmitted.
- Transmit Channels This will allow you to change the chat channels to other channels. Example; change /5 to /12 or other.
- Global Sets the chat channel for Global transmissions.
- Zone Sets the chat channel for Zone transmissions.
- Channel Sets the chat channel for Channel transmissions.
- Animations If your radio allows for animations, this is how to enable/disable them.
- Enable Anim This will __Enable__ the animations.
- Disable Anim This will __Disable__ the animations.
- Sounds This will allow you to change the sounds used by the radio. (You will need to enter a UUID)
- Transmit This will change the sound that goes off when you __Transmit__ a message.
- Receive This will change the sound that goes off when you __Receive__ a message.
- Verbose This setting will allow you to set how the message is received/transmitted to you.
- Call Sign Your callsign is how your name is displayed on the radios when a message is sent across Global/Zone/Channel.
Web Interface
- The web interface is where most of the work happens on your network. A large majority of your network will be managed here.
Logging In
- When logging in, you will be met with two options Network Manager and Network Owner.
- If this is your first time logging in, you will be forced to change your password.
- If you are the Network Owner; you will need to log in through this method.
- If you are the Network Manager; this is your way. Please remember that the password is specific to that network. You can have two different passwords per network.
Forgotten Password
- If you have forgotten your password, these are the steps that you take to reset your password.
Network Owners
- Select Forgot Password on the home page.
- Enter your Second Life Username and Captcha.
- You will be IMed by one of our bots supplying you a link to change your password.
- Once you have navigated to that link, you will be able to change your password.
- After you have changed your password, you will be able to access your account like normal.
- If you are still unable to access your account, please file a ticket at our Support Site and we will manually reset your account.
Network Managers
- If you are a network manager, you will need to contact another Manager in the network or the network owner.
- They will need to manually reset your password for you through the network manager page.
- If your network owner will not reset your password, DO NOT CONTACT SUPPORT. We do not reset the Network Manager's passwords. That is solely up to the Network Owner. They could have changed it to lock you out, so we will not manage it for you.
- If you're a Network Owner and you're having trouble resetting a Network Manager's password, then you can contact support at our Support Site and we will gladly help you.
Network Selection
- The Network Selection page will list all the networks that you are an Owner of. If you do not own the network, it will not appear.
- __If you are a Network Manager; you will not see this page, you will be logged straight into the network your Manager account is registered too.__
Logging In To Your Network
- Logging in to your network is extremely simple and completed in a very simple step.
- Locate the network you'd like to manage.
- Click the blue arrow on the right upper corner of the network box.
Deleting A Network
- DISCLAIMER Once you delete a network, the effects are permanent. Please __do not contact support__ asking us to undo the mistake. We cannot undo the mistake.
- If you have decided that you no longer need the network or you have made errors and want to start over. Deleting your network is extremely simple.
- Follow These Steps To Delete Your Network
- Delete your network server in-world. (This will make the server show up red on the network dashboard.)
- Once deleted, navigate back to the web dashboard and select the Trash can in the top-right corner of the network.
- You will then need to enter the Network Name exactly and confirm you're not a bot.
- This will then delete the Network Permanently.
Why Is My Network Showing Red?
- If your network is showing up on the dashboard red, then our servers are not able to communicate with your Network Server In-World.
- There are Two reasons why this can happen.
Server Still Loading
- If you have just created the network server, then it will take a few seconds for the network server to finish setting itself up and register itself on the dashboard.
- Most of the time this is caused because you loaded the web dashboard before the In-World finished it's loading.
- To fix it, simply refresh your web browser.
Poor Region Performance
- The second reason is your Region that your server is in is not able to be contacted or our servers cannot send messages to the server in that region.
- This is caused by poor performance in the region.
- To check if there are performance issues in the region, simply use your Second Life Browser.
- Firestorm : In your toolbar, navigate to Advanced -> Performance Tools -> Statistics CTRL+SHIFT+1
- You will need to verify that the Region's FPS is above 40, the Scripts Run is below 90%
No Free URLs
- The region has no available Free URLS. This can easily be checked with your Second Life Viewer.
- This can easily be checked with a script placed into a prim. This script can easily be found on the Second Life Wiki.
Scripting Disabled In Parcel/Region
- Scripts may be disabled for the land.
- If you have scripts disabled for everything except the land group, the server may be set to the wrong group.
- This can be fixed by either enabling scripts in the parcel or setting the server to the land group.
Nexus I.T. Services
- If you are wanting a stable environment to store your server, Nexus has a wonderful place to store the servers.
- Nexus I.T. Services allows you to pay monthly for a 15LI Server Rack that can allow you to store your servers for a long period.
- All Nexus customers receive a free month if they purchase 3 months. Each rack costs 99L$ a month.
Network Dashboard
- The Network Dashboard is the home base of operation. Here you can see basic statistics of your network and the latest messages in your network.
- Although there is nothing that can be changed, you can easily navigate around the website.
- Change Network This can easily be accessed at the top by clicking the three server's icon.
- Log-Out This will log you out of GridNet.
- Settings This page is made to let you change the basic settings of the network, adjust the ban list, and set the group access.
- Managers This page will allow you to add, remove, and edit Manager's privileges.
- Zone Editor This page will let you edit the channels and zones for the network.
- Transmissions This page will allow you to view transmissions specific to the zone.
- Radio List The radio list will let you view information about the radios that are currently connected to the network and actively worn by users.
- API The API is where you can go to manage your API keys used for the network.
- Distribution This page will allow you to manage your distribution network and servers. Information can also be viewed from the servers.
- Here you are able to adjust your network settings to better fit your network's needs.
- Along with the settings, you can also manage your ban list and set the groups that can use the radio system.
Discord Support
- Discord is a very good tool used by Gamers to better help communicate. Discord can be found at the Discord Website
- Discord is not affiliated with Nexus in anyway and solely managed by separate entities. Nexus does not endorse/promote/discourage Discord in any way.
- Please note, although Discord is there, it does not currently have the ability to send messages via discord. It is currently just used to receive messages. We are looking for methods or ways to send messages in Discord.
How To Add The Discord Bot
- Discord is very simple to link to your Network.
- Follow these steps
- Click the __Connect Discord Server__ Button.
- You will get sent to the Discord website. You may need to Log-In.
- Select a server you would like to use.
- Select the server -> channel you are going to create a webhook for the bot to use.
- Hit Authorize. This will put the bot into the server.
- Now that you have the Discord bot in your server, you will need to configure everything inside your server.
Configure Discord Bot
- Once the bot is in the server, type /help (This will give a step by step guide.
- If you do not have the text channel created, go ahead and create it.
- Make sure the bot has the correct privileges to send messages on the channel.
- Once the channel is set correctly, simply type /setup in the channel.
- If everything is set up correctly, you can send a quick message from your radio and see it in Discord.
Enable Repeater
- The repeater, as explained above is used to keep the in-world server synced with the Nexus servers.
- This checkbox will disable the noise that the repeater makes when the repeater fires.
Enable EMAS (Emergency Mutual Aid Station)
- EMAS is a global station that connects all radio networks using GridNet into one channel.
- This channel is separate from your network. Other networks can only post into EMAS and can only see what you post into EMAS. It is a good way to broadcast the need for assistance and get help from other departments.
- To enable it, simply check the box and all radios in your network will load the new network settings.
Show Channel Join
- This setting will enable Join Messages when a user joins a channel.
- If a user attaches a radio on the channel that you are currently on, you will see the message when they join.
Group Restrictions
- The group restrictions allows you to enable the network radios to only be used by a certain group.
- The turn this feature on, simply turn on the checkmark.
Adding A Group
- Once you have the group restrictions enabled, you can simply add the group by pressing Add Group button on the right.
- You will get a pop-up, simply place the Group's UUID (Example: 45fd6037-2cf2-0a42-cfc5-938303add5f2) inside the pop-up.
- Then it will add the group and all radios in the network will be reset.
Removing A Group
- To remove a group, simply go to the group you would like to remove and click the trash can to the right of the name.
Ban List
- If you have a person that has caused a large disturbance in your network and you would like to ban them, this feature works great.
- To ban someone, simple press the Ban User button and enter their name.
- Once you ban them, it will forcibly remove their radio and they will be banned from the network.
- If you would like other users to be able to manage your system while you are away, simply add them as a manager.
- If you only want them to have certain permissions, that can easily be done right after you have registered them.
Adding A New Manager
- Adding a new manager is very easy. Follow these steps.
- Press the Add Manager button in the top.
- Type in their name in the Pop-Up.
- Once they're registered in your manager list, they will be sent a link to set up a password.
Changing Manager Permissions
- To modify a new Manager's permissions and restrict him to certain pages, simply open their box on the page.
- Inside there you will be able to find the pages they are able to access. If you would like to adjust that, select the pages you want and hit Update.
Change Manager's Password
- If a manager is having difficulties logging in to the network, you can change their password by clicking the Change Password button.
- Once you have entered and confirmed the password, you will need to send them their new password.
Delete A Manager
- If you no longer need a manager on your network and would like to get rid of them. This can easily be done by deleting their account.
- To delete their account, simply find their account in the window, and select Delete from the buttons.
Zone Editor
- The zone editor is where you edit all the channel and zones within your network.
- If you are starting a network for the first time and need help setting up your channels, please follow our Getting Started guide.
What Are Zones?
- Zones are like networks within your networks. Radios are configured to the zone and can communicate privately to the other radios configured in the network.
- However, they can not communicate to other radios in other zones unless they are using the global frequency.
- They also can only connect to other channels in that network only. If you have a police department and fire department zone with Tac-1 in PD and Eng-1 in FD. A radio from PD cannot send messages into Eng-1.
Creating A Zone
- To create a zone, simply click Add Zone, then when pop-up shows, give it a name.
Deleting A Zone
- If you made a spelling error or just need to get rid of a zone that you had created. You can easily delete the channel.
- To delete the zone, simply touch the trash can in the Top-Right of the Zone Box.
Creating A Channel
- Brefore creating a channel, you must have a zone created.
- To create a channel, simply click the Create Channel button inside the Zone Box. Give the channel a name, and you have a channel.
Deleting A Channel
- If you are sick of the channels, you can easily delete them by clicking the trash can next to the channel's name inside the Zone Box for the channel that was created.
- DISCLAIMER This is NOT used track public/local chat. It is only used to gather RADIO TRANSMISSIONS ONLY.
- This page will allow you to see and track the transmissions from your zones. This is a detailed way of seeing what's going on without being online.
- Want to see the whole network transmissions? Go to the Home Dashboard.
Viewing Transmissions
- In order you view the transmissions, you will first need to figure out which Zone you would like to view. After that, you can simply click the zone, and watch the transmissions flow in.
Radio List
- The radio list allows you to see who is wearing a radio.
- If they are wearing a radio, you can see basic information about their radio. Such as, Region they are in, Call Sign, Channel, Zone, and Username.
- If needed, you can detach their radio. (Used if you ban them or make changes to the network.)
Radio API
- The radio API is very complex, please view our API documentation here : GridNet Developer API
- There are examples, and more information pertaining to the API and how it works.
- Please remember this is an advanced API. You will need a good deal of scripting knowledge to make stuff work with it.
Distribution Networks
- Your distribution networks are used to allow distribution of your radios without having to give a radio out to any of your Generals, Chiefs, or Admins.
- This will make one central location where you can track the distribution and make sure that certain servers only carry certain radios.
Setting Up A Distribution Server
- Setting up a distribution server will require space under the server's location. We highly recommend that you get a rack and leave it at the top of the rack if you intend on having multiple distribution servers.
- To set up your rack, follow these steps.
- Select Create Distribution Server from the buttons on top.
- Wait for the server to load in world and everything to set itself up. This will take less than 15 seconds.
- Once the page has automatically refreshed, you will see the server in-world and on the web interface.
- Go in-world and add the radios you would like sent from this server. DO NOT REMOVE WHAT'S ALREADY INSIDE IT (Scripts and Giver object)
- Rename your server in-world to something appropriate.
- Once you have added all your radios. Go back to the Web Interface and confirm they show all the contents of the server.
- On the web interface under the server, select Create Giver from the buttons. (This will create a giver in front of the server in-world.)
- Simply take the giver into your inventory.
- You are now ready to distribute radios from this server with ease.
How Does The Giver Work?
- The giver works very easily, simply rez it somewhere you would like to give out radios, set the group, and it will work.
- Whenever someone with the matching group touches it, they will be able to select an item from the distribution server's inventory.
- Once they have selected their item, the item will be sent to them.
Can I Send Stuff Other Than Radios?
- Yes, you can send whatever kind of items you want.
- The server is made to fit as much shit as you can fit inside it.
Deleting A Distribution Server
- If you no longer need a distribution server, DO NOT delete the server in-world.
- Delete the server from the web interface correctly. This will remove it from the stack of server and will free up the space. It will also remove it from the web interface.