Aileron Dispatch System/Incident Manager

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← Aileron Dispatch System

Product Documentation

This documentation is relevant to the most recent version.
Anything outdated will not always work with this documentation.

For information on what has been added in recent versions or if there have been any updates, please view the version history for the Aileron Dispatch System.

Module Information

All modules require the Base System. If it does not have the base system, you will not be able to use them.

What's This Module For?

The Incident Manager module is used to track incidents and keep logs of the incident on your dashboard in real time.
Just like real dispatchers, you are able to manage the priorities of the incident and determine how important a call can be.

Interface Information

This will list all interface features that are included with the base system.
It will also include the uses and descriptions of all the items. This will help you better in using the items to their greatest potential.

This module will add the Active Incidents to your list of progams.

Active Incidents

The Active Incidents is a program that can be found on the side of the interface with the other programs.

Creating An Incident

When you are wanting to create an incident, you will find a button at the top left of the "Active Incidents" program.
This will bring up the incident creator. If you have a radio and a pager configured, you will have the option to send out over those devices that an incident was created.

Incident Priority

Every Incident has a priority when created. It can also be updated when clicking on the incident. The greater the number, the lower the priority.

Updating Incidents

As you go along through an incident with a person, you will obviously need to change things and maybe take details with someone through a phone call and write it down.
To update an incident, simply click on the incident and then you are able to change the settings.