Aileron Dispatch System/Unit Manager

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← Aileron Dispatch System

Product Documentation

This documentation is relevant to the most recent version.
Anything outdated will not always work with this documentation.

For information on what has been added in recent versions or if there have been any updates, please view the version history for the Aileron Dispatch System.

Module Information

All modules require the Base System. If it does not have the base system, you will not be able to use them.

What's This Module For?

The Unit Manager module allows for you to keep track of vehicles and their whereabouts. When this is active a person can assign themselves to a unit. Once that is done, then they can post updates and other information about their vehicle. This will make it easier than using a radio as long as a dispatcher is in use. If a user is dispatched to a call, instead of the user making a radio call, they can press the button on the Unit HUD and it will update on the Interface.

Item Information

This will list all items that are included with the base system and their features.
It will also include the uses and descriptions of all the items. This will help you better in using the items to their greatest potential.

Unit HUD

This item is used to give out and can be placed in your delivery server. It's uses are very simple.

Assigning a Unit

Before you can use the HUD you will need to assign yourself a unit. This can be done by getting a unit number off the Aileron Website.
A unit number can look like E-0001 or maybe U-1044. They must be entered exactly the same way when entering them into the HUD.

Interface Information

This will list all interface features that are included with the base system.
It will also include the uses and descriptions of all the items. This will help you better in using the items to their greatest potential.

This module will add the Unit Manager to your list of programs.

Unit Manager

The unit manager will allow for you to keep track of your units activities and who is using the vehicle or assigned to that unit.
If you are wanting to make a vehicle 'In-Service' or 'Out-Of-Service' all you need to do is select the vehicle and click and arrow button.

Creating & Deleting Units

To Create a unit you will need to open up the "Unit Manager" program, you will find the button to create a unit in the top left as normal.
Once you have the "Create Unit" window open, you will need to select what type of Unit you would like to have put in, then enter a number from 1-9999.
After this is complete, everything will show up on the "Unit Manager". To Delete a unit, all you need to do is select the unit in the "Unit Manager" module. Then hit the "Delete Unit" button. Once this is done, it can not be undone. Only administrators can do this.

Change Unit Status

Changing a unit's status will display next to the unit on the list when some text is entered.
The status will also be changed when someone using the HUD presses one of the buttons.
There are many statuses that programmed into the interface that will change colors. Those can be entered manually.

Programmed Statuses

  1. Transporting
  2. On-Scene
  3. Dispatched
  4. Patrolling
  5. En-route To Scene
  6. Clearing Scene

Dispatch To Incident

If You Have a Radio Network Configured and Incident Manager Module you will be able to use Dispatch To Incident.
When Dispatching a unit to an incident, you will need to get the Incident's "Event Num" from the list of incidents. Once you have the number, simply enter it into the input box and it will send a message on the radio and the unit's status will be updated.