Nexus Light System/Documentation
Nexus Light System Documentation
This documentation is to better help you with the product to help you efficiently work with the product and make use of all of its features properly. Having trouble using a feature? Consult the documentation below.
Need help navigating this manual better? Please use the table of contents to the right of this page.
Before we get started on using the Light System, we would like to thank you for choosing us! If you have any questions please ask in our Second Life Group.
If your questions are not answered, please file a ticket here on our Support Site.
Getting Started
Before using the Light System, it is reccomended that you have made sure you have all the parts required below.
What's Inside?
Once you have purchased your package, you will have the basic items needed for your light system.
These items include your switches and breakers. One thing to remember, there are multiple packs of lights, each with their own style.
- All The Lights
- Nexus Light System - Breaker Panel
- Nexus Light System - Large Breaker
- Nexus Light System - Timer Box
- Nexus Light System - Wall Switches
Setting Up Your Light System
Ready to get your system setup? Lucky for you, the system is easy to set up and great to use.
Setting Up The Breakers
There are two types of breakers in your pack. The Large Breaker, or the Breaker Panel.
The Breaker Panel is made up of 12 breakers into one box. Saves Prims and is slightly more efficient.
The Large Breaker is one single breaker on a metal box with a lever. Great for places that do not need multiple breakers.
When using the breakers, if you do not configure a switch to the light, the breaker will act as the switch and the lights will turn on when powered.
- Rez Out Breaker Panel or Large Breaker
- Go into the Inventory and select '_config'.
- Set the BreakerID to a name or number. (We'll use 'Home' as an example)
- Set the access. Owner, Group, or Everyone.
Bam, leave your breaker sitting there and you're done.
Setting Up The Wall Switches
This step is completely optional. You could still have lights without the walls switches.
The light switch will allow you to have up to four switches on one panel.
- Rez The Wall Switches onto the ground.
- Open '_config' in Switches Inventory.
- Enter your BreakerID. ('Home')
- Enter Your SwitchIDs. (We'll use 'LivingRoom'. Leave blank to keep switch invisible.)
- Set The Access. (Owner, Group, or Anyone)
- Save and place onto the wall.
Setting Up The Light
Once you have all the items set up, you are free to position your lights and set up the lights.
It is reccomended before you shift-drag the lights, that you set up the notecard first. This will save you a lot of time when setting up your lights.
- Rez the light.
- Open '_config' in light's inventory.
- Set the BreakerID to match your breaker box. (Home)
- Set the SwitchID to match your switch. (LivingRoom)
- Position the light and finish.
Setting Up The Timer Box
The Timer Box is used for turning the lights on at certain times on the day(SLT).
Along with specific times, there is also a DAY/NIGHT feature.
If you are using street lights, or outdoor lights. This feature is great to turn your lights on in the nighttime.
This box, acts as a switch. When entering the SwitchID. IT will need to match on the lights.
- Rez The Timer Box.
- Open '_config' in timer's inventory.
- Set the BreakerID.
- Set the SwitchID.
- Set the Timer's Mode.
If using TIMER Mode.
- Set TurnOnTime and TurnOffTime. (Uses SLT time.)
How To Create Your Own Lights
Creating your own lights is a breeze! Simply create your light object and insert the following items into the contents:
- _light
- _light-cnf
- Light Configurer
Step One - Light Appearance
To start, you will want to edit the light parameters/values as the light would appear in an on-state.
To do this, right-click the object and open the 'edit'/build window and navigate to the Texture tab and edit the following parameters for each face of the object that is considered a light:
- Glow
- Fullbright
Then navigate to the Features tab and check-mark the "Light" box and edit the light values:
- Set the light color
- Set light image/texture (optional)
- Set "Intensity" value
- Set "Radius" value
- Set "Falloff" value
- Set "FOV" value (optional)
- Set "Focus" value (optional)
- Set "Ambiance" value (optional)
Step Two - Applying Light Configuration
The "Light Configurer" script should be in the contents of your light before continuing.
Once you're satisfied with the appearance of your lights, left-click your object and select "Proceed" from the menu. You will then be prompted to select the faces of your object that are considered lights. Selected faces will appear in floating text above the object - if you select the wrong face, simply select it again to undo the selection.
If you closed the dialog menu by accident, type '/88 menu' and it will re-appear.
Once the face(s) have been selected and you're ready to continue, select "Finalize" and your light configuration will be generated and displayed in main chat, which will look similar to this:
Copy & paste the configuration that was generated into the "_light-cnf" notecard and save.
Step Three - Configure Your Light to a Switch/Breaker
Open the "_config" notecard and edit the values to assign the light to a breaker and switch that you've setup previously:
- BreakerID
- SwitchID
Save the notecard when finished.
Your Light is Ready!
Your light should now be functional!
A lot of people helped make lights. Here are some of the people!
- Scripting: Shymus Roffo and Johnny Nexen.
- Modeling & Texture: Shymus Roffo, Kira Alena, and Johnny Nexen.
- Testing & Ideas: Yurii Velinov and Antaeus.