RolePay Water Meter Expansion

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← Rolepay Money System Expansion Packs

Using Expansion Packs

In order to use any expansion pack, you must have an API key only obtained from the Web Interface from the RolePay Server.
You can also obtain an API key from the network owner or someone who has access to the Web Interface.

Making Expansion Packs

Want to learn how to make expansion packs? All expansion packs are made using the RolePay Money System API.
All you will need is basic knowledge of HTTP and LSL.

Setting Up The Water Meter Expansion

These steps assume that you already have an API key.
Follow these steps to configure your device.

  • Rez out Item "RolePay Water Meter".
  • Click the Water Meter and input the API key into the dialog box.
  • Specify if you would like funds sent to the network funds or a specific user.
  • Your Water Meter is ready for configuration.

Configuring the Water Meter

To access the admin menu, click & HOLD the meter

The admin menu allows you to set the following:

  • $/Gallon: Specify the cost per gallon
  • Gallons/Hr: Specify how many gallons of water will go through the pipe per hour
  • Lockout@$: Lock the water meter if the accumulated cost reaches a certain amount. This will require the owner of the water meter or a fellow admin to turn it back on.
  • Turn On / Turn Off: Activates/Deactivates the Water Meter.
  • Reset: This will reset the Water Meter completely (Requires API Key to be entered and funding deposit selection).
  • Assign User: Assign the Home Owner that will be paying the water meter.

To assign administrators to the Water Meter, open the "_admins" notecard, located in the contents of the Water Meter object. Assign one user per line in the following format:

Water Meter Stats

The assigned Home Owner and administrators can view the water meter stats; the menu will display the following items:

  • Cost per Gallon
  • Flow Rate
  • The Cost Accumulated
  • Time Running
  • Gallons Used

The Home Owner can pay for the Water Meter consumption at anytime by clicking the meter and selecting "Pay Now", as long as a lockout limit has not been met or exceeded (if set); otherwise, a utility admin/owner will have to come by and unlock it.