Nexus MARS System/Documentation
From Nexus
Nexus MARS System Documentation
This documentation is to better help you with the product to help you efficiently work with the product and make use of all of its features properly. Having trouble using a feature? Consult the documentation below.
Need help navigating this manual better? Please use the table of contents to the right of this page.
Before we get started on using the Burglar Alarm System, we would like to thank you for choosing us! If you have any questions please ask in our Second Life Group. If your questions are not answered, please file a ticket here on our Support Site.
Installing The Ramp
- This MARS System was built for the 4 Door Medium Paladin. While it can be removed and attempted to be put onto other vehicles, it was made for that model specifically. No promises it will work for other models or vehicles.
Instructions to link to Paladin
- Ensure that the vehicle is turned off, including any lighting or other components that may change any attributes while installing the modification.
- Take a copy of your vehicle as-is. Modifications may cause damage or unlink prims accidentally. Save a copy now in case this happens!
- Rez the modification near your vehicle.
- Right click the modification and select "Edit".
- With the Edit window open, hold your SHIFT key and left click the vehicle. This should select both objects at once. Make sure you select the vehicle last.
- Press your CTRL + L keys, or click the "Link" button in the Edit window.
- If prompted, confirm that you want to link the two objects together.
- When linked, the modification should automatically position itself to the recommended position and resize if necessary.
- If prompted, grant link permissions. This may unlink some prims. Make sure to delete them after.
- If desired, you may usually move the equipment once linked.
Adding A Rappel Bar
- This repel bar allows for deployment of the rappel rope to get over large fences/walls. This is perfect for rapid deployment.
- Ensure that the vehicle is turned off, including any lighting or other components that may change any attributes while installing the modification.
- Take a copy of your vehicle as-is. Modifications may cause damage or unlink prims accidentally. Save a copy now in case this happens!
- Rez the Rappel Bars near your vehicle.
- Right click the modification and select "Edit".
- With the Edit window open, hold your SHIFT key and left click the vehicle. This should select both objects at once. Make sure you select the vehicle last.
- Press your CTRL + L keys, or click the "Link" button in the Edit window.
- Once the item is linked, the Rappel bar will automatically position itself once the scripts have updated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why doesn't my Home Panel do anything when I click it?
- When using the Home Panel, you will need to make sure that you have turned on your Control Panel. This will activate the entire system.
Why doesn't a person's name work on the Whitelist?
- If you are putting people's names on the white list; if they do not have the last name in their Username, then you will need to supply the last name as "Resident".
- Example, If my name is "Johnsmith123", my name will need to be formatted "Johnsmith123 Resident" on the whitelist.